The New China Etiquette - An e-publication by Chinese American Etiquette Association

The old saying: “When in Rome, do as the Romans” is not sufficient for bridging the communication gap and cultural differences between China and the US. The world operates in the climate of globalization with a constant need for cross-cultural communication. Chinese American Etiquette Association (CAEA) explores how interractions occur during a process of cultural adaptation between these two countries and cultures.

Monday, September 04, 2006

A Story of the Month

One day, God sent a messenger to check on people’s faith. The messenger returned and said Chinese people’s faith was far greater than that of western people.

“Why?” Said God. “I haven’t got enough time to look after the Chinese.”

“Chinese people always nod their heads when they read the Bible, but western people always shake their heads with doubts.” Said the messenger.

“I need to give western people extra lessons on Sunday.” God said.

What was behind this story? Until the 1930s, the Chinese read from top to bottom, so people thought we nodded when we read, whereas westerners read from left to right and look as if they are shaking their heads in disagreement.


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